Friday 25 January 2013

Main Task Ideas


First of all, we created a time-line of what was happening because it was a bit too much to take in and make sense of.  We constructed a time-line to show our scenes and when roughly they will all take place in the opening scene.  This did prove to help a lot because we could always refer to it when we needed guidance and needed to know where we were.

Title of our Film

We brainstormed a few ideas for the title of our film.  We were quite fond of "Syndicate" but then changed our mind to a film title we thought of quite a bit of time after I took this picture:  "Son of the Law", what brought upon this title was the fact that our main characters name is "Ryan Lawson" and the word "law" is in his surname.  Also, our film does revolve around the idea of Ryan running from the law because of something he didn't know about.

Action film ideas

Here, we brain-stormed a few ideas, we have officially decided to go with the "On the run" idea because that's going to be both fun and relatively difficult to film.  We expanded on it by adding in scenes of flashbacks and voice-overs.  We've also decided on the location:  Victoria Park.

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