Sunday 13 January 2013

Continuity Editing

Continuity Editing..

Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire - First Task 

This scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a good match on action scene because of the way Harry's flying his broom and it looks so fluent and it was so well cut.  When he had to fly through the bridge in order to escape the Dragon, the fast cuts brought the tension and the fact that it was so smoothly cut made it feel as if no time at all had passed between the shots.

Spider-man 2 - Bank Scene

This scene uses editing well.  Because it's an action scene, there are loads and loads of cuts and some scenes where there is no editing at all, such as:  When Spider-man and Doc Ock are falling, it's all one scene to make the audience feel as if they're falling with him.

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