Friday 11 January 2013

Film Reviews

Pitch Perfect..

I went to see Pitch Perfect over the Christmas Holidays with a couple of friends and it was quite a good film.  Good plot and a good storyline and the acting was brilliant. 

The film is about a young student trying to find her way in life.  She's quiet and she's a keeps-herself-to-herself kind of girl.  She then finds interest in a group called The Bellas.  At first, the leader of the group, Aubrey, doesn't like Beca much as she feels she's taking over her role and then as the film progresses, realises she may actually need her guidance to bring the group to success. 

I'd fully recommend this film to anyone with an eye for these coming-of-age, comedic university movies.  It mixes romance, jealousy and competition theme very well... See the trailer below!

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer 3 (2011)

Overview: All of the Harry Potter films are about the life of a ordinary - seeming - boy who then learns he's a wizard on his 11th birthday.  He makes his way to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry; throughout his years in the school he learns an evil wizard who calls himself Lord Voldemort, makes 3 of his future best friends:  Hermione and Ron.  He's good at Quidditch (a wizard game played on brooms) and in his 6th year, he's sent on a quest by Albus Dumbledore to bring about the death of Lord Voldemort once and for all. 

Throughout the series, we are mainly with Harry Potter as the story is about him, he is the main protagonist and hero.  We're basically Harry Potter, when Harry Potter goes to battle we go to battle.  We're made to, in a sense, hate Voldemort in this series because of the fact that we learn that Voldemort killed his parents and his death-eaters have killed some of his friends/family (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Romilda Vane)

The use of flashbacks and editing in this film is used very affectively because when it happens, it's like we go back in time and when Harry looks into the Pensieve the use of long cuts in the scene makes us believe the flow of the film.  If they had done an elliptical cut showing him looking into the Pensieve and then cutting to us being in the Pensieve it would've looked very unconvincing but they pan the camera.  They're first looking up at him from inside the Pensieve and then the camera pans down using effects so it feels like as if Harry has dropped through the Pensieve into Dumbledore's memories.

On the whole, I'd give the film an 7/10 mainly because the storyline in the book was way better than the one they used in the film.  The end battle between Harry and Voldemort would've been much better if they had been in the great hall and they had a long talk before anything happened.  It was a good film though, excluding those faults.

The Unborn (Trailer) (2009)

This trailer fits into the horror genre conventions because it has childhood issues, it is religious and it has insanity, supernatural & good versus evil in it. 
The supernatural, the religious and the childhood issues relates to the unborn child.  The unborn child who wants to be born but can't because he's dead. 
The insanity relates to the protagonist because she's becoming insane - well, insanely scared.

This film uses camera angles very cleverly too.  When the woman awakes to find her dead son in her  bed, the camera is on a high angle shot.  To make us feel like we are looking down on her from heaven. 

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