Friday 22 March 2013

Title Sequence Analysis

Genre of this movie is, judging by the title sequence, a family/drama movie. 
I think it was either CGI or made by hand. 
The camera man probably took a picture of the roundabout and photoshopped or put the titles in using CGI equipment.

The style of the opening sequence is quite friendly and it's quite childish which makes me believe more that it's a family film and obviously, not a horror.

It draws me into the film because, if I wanted to go to see a family film, this would be the kind of film opening that I would go for.

Hansel and Gretel -

The genre of this movie is horror because of the flames and the burning newspaper.  Also, there's witches and stories of disappearing children featured in the title sequence
CGI definitely made this opening title sequence because of the fire and the flying newspapers with fictional characters featured in it.

The font of this movie is quite a gothic and dark font and this tells me it's a horror movie too, also the colour of the font compared to the fire in the background

The transition effects used in this film are mainly wipes or fades because usually horror movies have these kind of effects in them.  It's quite stereotypical for horror movies to use fades as transitions.

Se7en -

The opening to this movie is very scary and it makes you quite uncomfortable because you're in a dark room and the only thing you can hear is the ticking of the metronome in the background.
This was filmed and the use of non-diegetic sound to create this is very effective because the audience feel like it's actually happening

The font is white too, which juxtaposes from the white background and it's very effective because it makes the movie seem even more sinister.

Drive -

The birds-eye-view of the city make it obvious that this movie is of the crime genre and also because of the titles, it gives us that impending sense of danger.  Also, the sound mixing is quite futuristic and the font style that accompanies the music is very mysterious in a sense so this could also be the thriller genre.

Also, the driver is driving somewhere, further on in the title sequence and because we don't know where he's going, it adds to the mystery of the movie.

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